Proposal to lapse Redevelopment NOC, If developer fails to complete redevelop (Cess Building) in three years would be passed in next cabinate meeting.

Issued by: Times of India | Clara Lewis | 28 July 2020

The proposal for time bound redevelopment of Cess Buildings will contain, automatic cancellation of NOC granted to a developer if he fails to complete the project within three years. A six-month opportunity will be granted to the land-owner and another six months to tenants to complete the project. If they fail to do so, the project will be taken over by MHADA, which will appoint a contractor to complete it. The recommendation will allow MHADA to acquire buildings in the vicinity of a dangerous buildings, if stand-alone redevelopment of a dngerous building is not feasible.

Proposal to lapse Redevelopment NOC, If developer fails to complete redevelop (Cess Building) in three years would be passed in next cabinate meeting.

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